
Showing posts from 2019


MY PRE-HO LIFE  PART I : WORKING In short, routes of medical-related jobs for a medical graduate while waiting for housmanship placement are:- Medical / Clinical Assistant Research Assistant After finishing last day of my professional examination (ProX), I spend first 2-3 months on moving all my stuffs from my condo at KL back to my hometown ,Kajang. Not to mention some other entertainments, such as go for karaoke with friends, night hangout at mamak with our favourite 'Teh Beng', go for travel (Fraser Hills and the failed Australia trip due to VISA) and attending friend's wedding at Melaka (The Great Jonah Myra). Around November, my convocation came (Stay tune on my IG). After all, I have decided to look for some job since I have another 6 months waiting time before my job came. Among all the jobs I interviewed, full with bitter taste of rejected interview, sorts of unique experience, DUH. Fortunately, one of them accepted me, sorts of chill style of intervie


ONCE UPON A TIME I ALMOST GIVE UP MBBS... Just few months before my SPM, my dad has asked me to pursue MBBS as degree to pursue his dream. I initially reluctant because at that moment my strongest subject where my interest sit is Chemistry. I wanted to go for Pharmacist. But eventually I agree to give it an attempt. At very early phase, I suffer lots due to adaptions but somehow at late phase results improved. As what my dad's friend who happens to be GP nearby my house said to me, MBBS always tough at First year but it will be smooth once you reached Third Year. Don't give up. AND HERE IS WHERE MY STORY BEGIN FOUNDATION IN SCIENCE (2013-2014) Foundation in Science (FIS) [ With June Moo,  J.H Yong, Abraham Lim &  Y.H Lau ]


My friend (N): What to do in this 9 month waiting time? Me (L): Go attend seminar I guess? (At that moment not the right season... All seminar are expired) N: Eh, I found this voluntary service on FB. Just 1 night per week. Opposite to HKL eh!! Sounds interesting. Jom? L: JOM L: Whats their name? N: Teddy Mobile Clinic. Let's call it TMC from now on. And hereby story begin... Origin of Teddy Mobile Clinic We are not an organization. We are just a group of individuals who want to provide our love and care to the less fortunate. In August 2015, our mobile clinic was formed. The vision of our group was to start a free mobile clinic to provide free medical care for the homeless, urban poor and everyone else who cannot afford it. What do we do? Most of the homeless and urban poor are ashamed to be seen in public as some of them feel they are not socially accepted by the community. Our intentions are not to change the current healthcare